No more fooling around with bad coffee or espresso. Now fairly-traded, environmentally-friendly, great-tasting coffee and espresso is available in the South Loop! We couldn't be more serious.
Join us Friday, April 1, 7am to 8pm and Saturday, April 2, 9am to 5pm.
Drink specials, samples, giveaways, and fun for everyone!
On Friday the first 300 customers receive a FREE travel mug. Live guitar starts at 3pm. Come in your pajamas after 5pm and get an extra discount.
On Saturday, we'll have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 10am. Special Guest Abraham Lincoln arrives at 11am. DJ Toxxic spins starting at 3pm.
We hope to see you this weekend. Come and have serious fun with us.
On Customer Service
At Overflow, we value quality customer service. We want to exceed customer expectations - in atmosphere, taste, and service. But customer service is a tricky subject. I'm certain there are many books written on customer service and I do not pretend to be an expert but here on some of my latest musings. I'd love to hear your ideas too.
Today, we got a bad review on a Chicago Journal piece. Thankfully Brandon saw it quickly and I was able to respond soon after the review was posted. This got me to thinking... I have no idea who Mark K is, when he came in, what kind of coffee or muffin he had, or if he will even see my comment to him. Thus, there's not much I can do. They say "the best defense is a good offense" so I just have to keep doing the best I can every day and not let people like Mark K get me discouraged.
I do know that others will see his comment. Even if just one other person sees the comment, this could make them not want to come or affect their experience if they do come to Overflow. Therefore, when I responded the best I could on a blog post, I made sure I let people know that they should let us know anytime they get less than what they expect from us. I also brought it back to the mission - to "make profits to use for nonprofit activities" (to change the world one cup at a time). No coffee shop can satisfy everyone but every coffee shop has the opportunity to differentiate itself from every other coffee place. Being different means that people will want to experience your place for themselves at least once and you have the opportunity to prove yourself to them yourself. Hopefully, our customer service will do some of that but our mission definitely does!
So 2 lessons for today on customer service: (1) don't get discouraged but keep doing your best every day and (2) bring it back to the mission and differentiate yourself. What lessons do you have for us? Comment and share.
Today, we got a bad review on a Chicago Journal piece. Thankfully Brandon saw it quickly and I was able to respond soon after the review was posted. This got me to thinking... I have no idea who Mark K is, when he came in, what kind of coffee or muffin he had, or if he will even see my comment to him. Thus, there's not much I can do. They say "the best defense is a good offense" so I just have to keep doing the best I can every day and not let people like Mark K get me discouraged.
I do know that others will see his comment. Even if just one other person sees the comment, this could make them not want to come or affect their experience if they do come to Overflow. Therefore, when I responded the best I could on a blog post, I made sure I let people know that they should let us know anytime they get less than what they expect from us. I also brought it back to the mission - to "make profits to use for nonprofit activities" (to change the world one cup at a time). No coffee shop can satisfy everyone but every coffee shop has the opportunity to differentiate itself from every other coffee place. Being different means that people will want to experience your place for themselves at least once and you have the opportunity to prove yourself to them yourself. Hopefully, our customer service will do some of that but our mission definitely does!
So 2 lessons for today on customer service: (1) don't get discouraged but keep doing your best every day and (2) bring it back to the mission and differentiate yourself. What lessons do you have for us? Comment and share.
Photo of the Day: Quiches!
The individual size quiches come in vegetable, lorraine, and southwest flavors. Perfect with a cup of coffee!
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Photo of the day: OPEN!!!
Now open for business. Friday, March 18 - 7am to 8pm. Saturday, March 19 - 10am to 5pm. Sunday, March 20 - 10am to 3pm. Monday-Friday, March 21 to 25 - 7am to 6pm. Hope to see you here!
Photo of the Day: It's Official
It's official! We have our business license! We're opening Friday at 7am. We'll stay open until 8pm. Then, our hours will be:
Saturday 10am to 5pm
Sunday 10am to 3pm
Monday-Friday 7am to 6pm
Our Grand Opening Celebration on Friday April 1 starting at 7am!!! We picked April Fool's Day to encourage people to stop fooling around with bad coffee or espresso - now that fairly-traded, environmentally-friendly, great-tasting coffee and espresso is available in heart of the South Loop! We couldn't be more serious. Show your support and RSVP on Facebook.
Stop by to support us as we prepare for the Grand Opening. Mention this post and get 10% off. Our thanks for being a loyal supporter :)
Everything but the Food and Drink!!!
Yesterday, we passed our health inspection! The whole place is set up and ready to go. We just need to get the food and drink. We're expecting to open sometime this coming week. We're really excited and looking forward to serving the South Loop. Keep posted!
Photo of the Day: # at the Dept. of Business Affairs

This afternoon, I'm waiting in line at the Dept. Of Business Affairs to submit my official business license application. The photo is of my number... it's suppose to be a 2 hour wait. We'll see how it goes. This is a HUGE step in the process!
Update: I was in and out in 1 1/2 hours. :)
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Photo of the Day: Enjoying the Daystar Center Open House
On Saturday the Daystar Center had an open house. Overflow provided coffee and muffins. This photo is of Brian enjoying a muffin and some coffee while standing in front of Overflow's tshirts and tumblers for sale.
Book Signing this Saturday, March 5, 9-11am
This Saturday Overflow is co-hosting a book signing for a new book: What On Earth Is Heaven Like? Consider this our image of the day!
What On Earth Is Heaven Like? is the result of Janet Willis's detailed search of Scripture to learn as much as possible about heaven where six of her nine children reside. Pastor Scott and Janet's loss of their youngest six came after a tragic van accident in 1994. A professional illustrator, Janet, through her grief, coupled her research about heaven with her artistic skill to develop this amazing work that will open hearts and eyes to the awesomeness of heaven. Scott and Janet are former Printers Row resident but currently reside in middle Tennessee.
Visit the official website at http://whatonearthisheavenlike .com/Home.html.
Saturday, March 5
9:00am to 11:00am
1550 S. State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60605
*The viewpoints of this book do not necessarily reflect those of Overflow Coffee Bar. We value and respect the expression of many different viewpoints as a means of making the world better. Plus, we love to support artists of all varieties.
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