Looking for a positive change to make in 2011?

In 2011, stage a "BUYcott" and buy coffee that benefits farmers rather than takes advantage of them!
Make a positive difference in the world by starting to purchase direct trade coffee, like Overflow Coffee!
There are 25 million coffee farmers in the world, most of which still do not sell their coffee to equal their costs to grow it, let alone make a profit. In the U.S.A. we have minimum wage requirements but in many coffee growing countries this is not the case. By purchasing Overflow coffee, you not only make a difference in the lives of the farmers who grew your coffee. You also send a message that coffee farmers should be paid fairly.
In 2011, stage a "BUYcott" and buy coffee that benefits farmers rather than takes advantage of them!

Check out the updates we made to our online store and consider making a purchase here.
We have a special deal to buy 10 lbs of coffee in advance and get 2 lbs more FREE. If you use 1 lb of coffee each month, you can take care of your entire year at one time and never have to worry about it again. You'll get your 1 lb delivered on schedule each month. This offer is for a limited time only. Take advantage of this offer before it expires!
If you aren't a regular coffee drinker, you can give a gift here.
Overflow has begun making purchases to set up our physical coffee shop. Your purchase gives us actual cash to use in making our purchases. The more cash we have the less loans we need to get and the lower we can keep our prices. This is a win-win for everyone involved so consider switching your coffee purchasing to Overflow.
Check out the updates we made to our online store and consider making a purchase here.
We have a special deal to buy 10 lbs of coffee in advance and get 2 lbs more FREE. If you use 1 lb of coffee each month, you can take care of your entire year at one time and never have to worry about it again. You'll get your 1 lb delivered on schedule each month. This offer is for a limited time only. Take advantage of this offer before it expires!
If you aren't a regular coffee drinker, you can give a gift here.
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