day 2: somewhat uneventful, typical Saturday.
Each Saturday morning there's a children's story hour at the shop. Most orders include a box of organic chocolate milk. After the storytime is over, the back room is a wreck... no exception today.
Discovery of the day: I need to get better at making banana bread. It was just out of the oven when I left so I haven't gotten to taste it but it didn't have its normal shape and had flowed over the side of the pan... Note to self: get bananas just to let them ripen and make banana bread at home until I get it perfected.
hours 9-15 of 54: day 2
hours 1-8 of 54: day one.

Day one can be summarized as construction, flirting and coffee shop gossip.
Construction: the city chose today as the day to tear up the sidewalk directly in front of the shop. This meant loud noise and customers complaining about lack of sleep... both decreased and increased sales. The city is thinking of re-doing the sidewalks outside Overflow's location so I know to target the neighbors who are already being disturbed by the loud noises. :)
Flirting: Briefly, let me just say that every coffee shop should have a sign that reads: "Barista wants your tips, not for you to fall in love with them."
Gossip: There's lots of it but I won't pass it on. ;)
hour 0 of 54
The marathon begins tomorrow! Mostly, I'm very excited. My largest forseeable hurdle: the health department...
The health dept. has been expected to stop in at any time for the last few weeks to complete their annual review. But they haven't done it yet... This means they could stop in while I'm the one in charge. We keep a mean, clean coffee-making machine at the shop and have already been working extra hard to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. But there's one thing I've definitely learned about the health dept.: they'll find something you can improve on, then they could stop back at any time to see if you've put it into action.
I'm sure everything will be fine but here's to hoping they delay their yearly review a couple more weeks. :)
Brandon's Long Hair: Saying Good-bye? Here's how.
Recent Updates
This past week, I (Amanda) sat down with the building maintenance person for 1550 S. State Street and completed some preliminary drawings of our kitchen and bar area. One purpose for these drawings is for an architect to use them and determine how to fit the space properly with electric and plumbing.
Once the architect is done with the drawings we will find out the closest to exact amount of money we will need for the plumbing and electrical construction that needs to take place. Currently we are estimating the construction work could be up to $15,000.
Amanda Runs a Marathon!
Our goal is to raise $15,000 by my birthday August 9 (or 8/9/10!!!) to put toward the installation of the electric and plumbing required for running Overflow properly. Here are 3 reasons to give now:
1.Save costs in the long-term by piggy-backing on construction already taking place.
2.Overflow will put your gift to work and will be able to give more to nonprofits in the long-term. While your gift is not tax-deductible, your gift will make greater impacts on nonprofit work overtime.
3.The more we get the sooner we can open Overflow and have a place where South Loop residents, students and workers can drink, eat, work, study and play!
Updates to Our Online Shop
We recently started offering a Ugandan coffee. Here's some information behind the coffee.
This coffee comes from the Kapchorwa region of Uganda, home to the Sebei people. The coffee is grown on the side of Mt. Elgon using truly small-scale farming AND small-scale processing. The coffee is grown on small family-owned plots of land, and processed in small batches via hand-powered pulpers and small washing/fermentation bins in farmers' backyards. Kapchorwa coffee is quickly emerging as one of the Uganda's most sought after high-altitude growing regions.
The Uganda Kapchorwa was locally imported by Crop to Cup and is locally-roasted by Coffee Ambassadors. It is a light to medium roast with a full, lingering body and well-rounded acidity. Floral notes combine with a sweet dark chocolate finish.
A portion of the profits from this coffee supports Invisible Children, an organization advocating for children affected by war in east Africa.
Running a Marathon!
This marathon comes at great timing too. Construction on the Daystar Center in scheduled to begin in July. Overflow has the opportunity to tag-on our electric and plumbing requirements with the construction that's already taking place. This will save lots of money and time in the long run. Our goal is to raise $15,000 by my birthday August 9 (or 8/9/10!!!) to put toward the installation of the electric and plumbing required for running Overflow properly.
Read the rest of the story at: